Dutch Master says:
My favorite in this series (which I enjoyed as a whole) I remember the specific one this scene parodies. What an obnoxious commercial. Almost as bad as the ones for the New York Times. ‘You could say the Grand Canyon is just a hole in the ground”.
? says:
Who plays Adam in this sketch?
Free Spirit says:
Jesse Novak :) Isn’t he fantastic? :) he’s in other Olde English work too, check it out. :)
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Dutch Master says:
My favorite in this series (which I enjoyed as a whole) I remember the specific one this scene parodies. What an obnoxious commercial. Almost as bad as the ones for the New York Times. ‘You could say the Grand Canyon is just a hole in the ground”.
? says:
Who plays Adam in this sketch?
Free Spirit says:
Jesse Novak :) Isn’t he fantastic? :) he’s in other Olde English work too, check it out. :)