Dutch Master says:
I like the recurring headphones around the neck motif.
Petro says:
This is the funniest one of this series
Jubul says:
There aren’t enough words for me to describe how much I love Joel Clark.
Free Spirit says:
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA I CAN’T STOP LAUGHING! SO GREAT! Joel Clark is definitely great, as post 3 (Jubul) said. HAHAHA this is sooooo funny!
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Dutch Master says:
I like the recurring headphones around the neck motif.
Petro says:
This is the funniest one of this series
Jubul says:
There aren’t enough words for me to describe how much I love Joel Clark.
Free Spirit says:
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA I CAN’T STOP LAUGHING! SO GREAT! Joel Clark is definitely great, as post 3 (Jubul) said. HAHAHA this is sooooo funny!