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Featuring Jesse Novak.

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  1. mishu says:

    shit, regina spektor, nice!

  2. Nick says:

    I’m going through a hard time now, but this video cheered me up! Thank you!

  3. Katie says:

    lately i’ve been in a really horrible mood..just a bunch of little things happeneing and driving me insane, but this really made me happy again. Thanks guys, you’re so fantastic.

  4. Katie says:

    happening* silly me.

    By the way, I love Regina! Nice touch!

  5. Jesse says:

    *sigh* continuity errors. I love the sketch though.

  6. Caitlyn says:

    Hey, is Jesse Novak the brother of BJ Novak from The Office? I was watching it last night and I recognized the last name.

    By the way, the sketch is GOLDEN.

  7. Kelly says:


  8. GlenGlingo9 says:

    Jesse looks so much like 1 of my friends from special school

  9. Jon says:

    “Yeah you do that you blazing beacon of positivity!” Genius…

  10. GlenGlingo9 says:

    Its kinda ironic that jesse’s wearing a Boston shirt

  11. Emily says:

    REGINA SPEKTOR!!!!!!!!!

  12. Renee says:

    Where did Jesse end up?

  13. Katie says:

    hey, who wrote this sketch? it’s so good. i never would have thought of anything like this.

  14. Jubul says:

    I called my friend a blazing beacon of positivity today, and he just stared at me

  15. Jordan says:

    This video brings me out of the worst slumps :)

  16. Koshi says:

    Alright, I definately did not see THAT ending coming, but it was absolutely brilliant. Really loved this one :P

  17. stuart says:

    hey you sould put all clips on cd and sell them in shops around world i live in england and you guys rock xd

  18. Claire says:

    words cannot contain the depths of my sorrow!

  19. Jill says:

    regina spektor! yay!

    you guys make my heart smile.

  20. Aimee says:


    i love that.

    and regina spektor is lovelyy.

    nice video. thanks for the laughs. :]

  21. Steven says:

    So many great one-liners. You guys have so many great sketches. I just can’t put it into words how much you guys rule.

  22. Kiritic says:

    This makes me so happy for so many reasons…

  23. elyseforpeace says:

    ‘he’s so sad he makes onion’s cry’ and a preponderance of classic quotes. this sketch always, always, always makes me feel better no matter how sad i am. thank you!

  24. Devin says:

    It took me a while to realize that this is your best sketch, but this is legitimately amazing. Flawlessly written, performed, and edited. I have this bookmarked for whenever I feel down.

  25. Izzy says:

    hahahah. cracks me up.

    to much love for your brothers, yo.

    sorry, being gangsta for a second there. hahah have fun with new sketches!!!

  26. Shannon says:

    Faucet Face.

    tee hee.

  27. Kristen says:

    I know you hear this all the time, but you guys are awesome.

  28. EliseAndGeorge says:

    This is obviously an extremely popular video due to all the comments and all of them are positive – please please move this to the main stuff, don’t keep it in the vault, it definitely will stand the test of time. It obviously has. :) <3 One of you very finest, one of your very best. :) <3

  29. EliseAndGeorge says:

    Ok. The jury of the people has reached the verdict. This is your best sketch. It has stood the test of time. :)
    – George B. and Elise P. (and countless others of the masses, the people of the USA and all over the world who love and treasure this and will for all time…new generations will discover and love and treasure this…this is timeless, a true classic). 5 stars and an Oscar for “Crybabies” by Olde English! Yes.

  30. EliseAndGeorge says:

    Best sketch ever :) My little brother and his little friends all loved it to death, those little high-school punks…haha just kidding they are good kids not joking about them loving it though.
    Hey, George, my little brother loves this one too. But I think you knew that already since he was the one who showed it to you initially, before you met me. :) This brought us together in a way!
    This did bring us together in a way…thanks you guys of Olde English!
    -Elise and George

  31. EliseAndGeorge says:

    P.S. HURRAY FOR ANTI-BULLIES! And we agree with Devin and many others. Respect!

  32. Stone says:

    Does anybody know what that song is? It sounds pretty cool.

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