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Featuring Jesse Novak.
Puppetry by James Wojtal.
Music by Jesse Novak.

Download the mp3 of Dishes Like to be Dirty.


  1. Martha says:

    AHHAA. Brilliance, pure brilliance.

  2. elyseforpeace says:


  3. Kellie says:

    this makes my life happy.

  4. Emily says:

    Haha That completes my life!!!!!

  5. woods says:

    rofl, that bit when the cutlery were asking to sleep in his bed was creepy yet hilarious

  6. Emily says:


    (and we’ll have a wonderfuuul time)

    Classic OE

  7. T-$ says:

    I wanna know who cleaned all those dishes afterwards lol.

  8. DavidBrownandIrisLatour says:

    we like the part at the end of the “let us sleep in your bed with you” sequence when you can clearly hear the guy singing in falsetto. that is all.

  9. allishleygarcia says:

    OMG!!! this movie is So bm bum bum hillarious!

  10. Alymicy says:

    Yet another sketch when Ben plays a character that goes crazy…just like in Steven the Vegan. You guys should do showtunes more often, they’re soooo hilarious!

    And one more thing: HAPPY CINCO DE MAYO!!

    I don’t know what it is, but all holidays should be remembered…

  11. Xutler says:

    so i guess i am not crazy 4 my dishs talking to me

  12. Shannon says:

    “Oh…you…slept…with the dishes.”

    I love this sketch so much. Right up there with Steven the Vegan & Peanut Butter’s Birthday. :)

  13. James says:


  14. That Guy says:

    Doode Hal Sparks look alike lay off the weed and salvia bro.

  15. Tessa says:

    i like when ben’s shoulder’s go up and down lolol.

    “Are you going to teach me that washing the dishes can be fun?!”
    “NO! Bum bum bum.”

  16. Fan #543668631 says:

    awesome on so many levels, you guys could make a musical. Awesome as always.

  17. Maya says:

    These guys rented studios from my parents. I’m only 9 but I think they are awesome!!!

  18. http://www.salvialab.com says:

    Amazing site! love the easy layout

  19. Bob says:

    Kill the roommate! Kill the roommate! I feel that way sometimes…

  20. DLR says:

    This is completely amazing. Never have dirty dishes and musicals combined so well.

    But seriously, mp3 of the kill the roommate sequence is humbly requested.

  21. olde english 1# fan says:

    i think this is a 1 time
    funny thing. still good thogh.

  22. Kim says:

    my life story

  23. maya says:

    how are you guys? Remember Dobbin st? Hope you are okay!

  24. LegalizeIt says:

    This is so great I’ve watched all your videos over the years and I was going to stop commenting but I can’t stop I just love it all SOOOOO much o man this is just perfect now I don’t know which sketch is my favorite anymore its so hard to decide perhaps this is my favorite haha lol very very funny and creative thank you so much for making and sharing it o wow so ingenious just perfect and puts a smile on the face of my roommate every time he gets upset about anything…including me not doing my share of the dishes? lol just kidding about the dishes part i do my dishes after watching this for the first time a 2 years ago….but not kidding about the rest. :) can’t wait for your new stuff. wow i really love your older stuff like this so unique what a unique brand/sense of humor/comedy, OE forever :) lol now to the vault and supervault o god i must say something more…blah i won’t wear you out nevermind it is impossible to begin to express everything i want to about every single sketch/video and just how much OE means to me just how much i love and appreciate y’all – the world would be a much bleaker place without you kids so keep it up know you’re loved and so much better than most of the stuff that somehow ends up getting on TV i think you are even better than The Daily Show and that is high praise because im a devoted fan of it…

  25. Ross says:

    Just discovering the site… and that saddens me because these sketches are absolutely some of the funniest things I’ve ever seen and apparently you’ve been doing it for a while. This is like Christmas. Thanks… you guys are epically brilliant!

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