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Featuring Dieter Klipstein and Brendan.

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  1. Kaylee says:

    wow, do you guys actually make a living doing this…it’s awesome

  2. Spencer says:

    is he supposed to look like jesus?

  3. sergeant nate says:

    omg dave is jesus. The Messia!

  4. JOMama says:

    I say he keeps the long hair ;D

  5. Crash says:

    Did anyone else notice the continuity mistake after the first ‘scene’?

  6. Abz says:

    By mistake, do you mean how the chains were crossed around his neck in the first scene and after that… weren’t? Lol.

  7. Allyson says:

    Meh, who cares about the continuity. Jesus-Dave is fricken sweet! So Dave, if you were Jesus, what would you do?

  8. GlenGlingo9 says:

    That must be horrible 2 be chained up and have some guy talk non f***ing stop. I’d wanna be dead in an hour

  9. stuart says:

    i love u guys your cool

  10. stuart says:

    your funny i hope u make more

  11. HapppySteveDay15 says:

    Ben has such a way with words in this sketch. I quote him all the time.

  12. Alymicy says:

    Ben is amazingly amazing, but that was Dave. :P

  13. Marantha says:

    All of my favorite sketches are in the vault

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