oh wow…umm this is my favorite out of the 5 gorilla short films.
The ending made me sad..o.o
other than that you guys are genius’ and know how to keep attention going. I love all your sketches and your inspiring me to do soething like this lol. good work but please….
this is a great series. the dayglo orange hats are a nice touch in the FASHION of the sketch, though from a practical standpoint they really make for easy targets (unless gorillas are colorblind? man…i wish i’d studied in gorillaology class.)
Jayne says:
i’ve always wondered how many takes that slamming cupboard/cup routine took
Kyle says:
lol, third aid kit.
You guys found a great way for me to come back and rewatch all my old favorite OE sketches.
zac the bear says:
i’m sorry but that was rather depressing.
like…really depressing.
but clever.
and teh fourth aid kit definately made me smile.
Alexander says:
Hahaha. “Look, you’re retarded… we didn’t tell you… we thought you’d grow out of it.” HAHAHA. That was hilarious.
Ben says:
Jayne: fewer takes than you’d think! i think it only took four or five takes (but there was definitely some rehearsal before we started shooting).
Jayne says:
thanks so much, Ben….you guys never fail to impress me! That routine is ridiculously synchronized…I love it so.
Ochi says:
AW!! SO SAD!!! Aw…
miss unhappyface says:
adam is like a cute teddy bear. i would never do that.
Munro says:
“Fouth Aid Kit”! You guys are amazingly awesome. Your sketches are the funniest things I’ve ever watched, seriously. Keep it up!
Jackie says:
awww poor Adam. That’s sooo mean. That WAS depressing but it was still funny.
Nadine says:
oh wow…umm this is my favorite out of the 5 gorilla short films.
The ending made me sad..o.o
other than that you guys are genius’ and know how to keep attention going. I love all your sketches and your inspiring me to do soething like this lol. good work but please….
stick with the happy endings..huh?
wherearemybones says:
Don’t stick with the happy endings. This was great.
Jessie says:
Holy crap. So sad! Makes me want to give Adam a big hug and some left-overs.
Alexa says:
this is a great series. the dayglo orange hats are a nice touch in the FASHION of the sketch, though from a practical standpoint they really make for easy targets (unless gorillas are colorblind? man…i wish i’d studied in gorillaology class.)
Chris says:
maybe we should ditch the retard.
Will says:
LOL. you had a first, second, third, and fourth aid kit
Ben says:
that was really depressing…