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Guest starring Anne Johnson. Mr. Clean animation by Ed Mundy and Mack Williams. Music by Farsheed Hamidi-Toosi.

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  1. FilmFan says:

    I thought this film was extremely well done. It was a professionally executed skit in every way. Your attention to detail astounds me. Everything about this film looked like the real commercial with a hilarious spin! I’ve got to get up to NY to see you guys live at UCB!

  2. max says:

    it’s like the girl got high off the mr clean and started seeing him

  3. Miso Willis says:

    Zat was greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatt!

  4. Tony says:

    Alright, I’m putting price on every Mr.Clean’s head.

    Alive: 0
    Dead: about as much as you bought it to begin with.

  5. Matt says:

    Hit or Miss? A Miss

  6. dapho says:

    OE… Man…. Dude… OE… You’ve gone from semi-suggestive dada (which may be the golden mean of entertainment) to just being formulaic and predictable… I.. I don’t think we can be friends anymore…

  7. dapho says:

    But there’s a special world in my heart which you will always rock…

  8. John Marlo says:

    EW. Ew ew, ew ew ew. Aw, barf.
    I, uh, really don’t care heads nor tails on this one, it’s, uh, just plain nasty.

  9. Ishaq says:

    Fuckin loved it! I’ve been waiting for the day that I get to see Mr. Clean’s sweater pups. Fuck yeah!! I wonder if he’s a top?

  10. Mark Imbert says:

    wow, who didn’t see that coming. Maybe make it a little more trite and include an anal joke. Awful

  11. max says:

    I’m sorry to say that I have this on my iPod. It was funny but not great. My friend and I watch it in school. Not in a gay way.

  12. Ben Kean says:

    loved it

  13. azikiwe says:

    i think it was great. mr clean is a rapist and needs to be called out. fuck that dude.

  14. Brian says:

    Not your usualness, OE. The nakedness put it over the top.

  15. Davies says:

    Wow, not sure whether to laugh or cry after seeing that. But do I regret watching it? Hell no. Great job OE.
    I wouldn’t say this is best work, but it’s still good. The last time I was impressed with your work was when I watched Breakfast at Tiffany’s a few minutes ago…and I’m about to listen to it again

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