TheBlunderbuss says:
Although the mouth bleed was weird and unexpected, don’t do this ever again. Please.
The Sofa King says:
I loved this skit! The only part that was off key was when both prank groups collaborated.
but otherwise, it was freakin’ hilarious
Adam [Not OE] says:
it seems like Adam is always the one who throws up… like in Adam’s Orange Stand.
Sharna says:
I’m such a Mischief Sister. This was great btw.
Rocktzar says:
I realy like it. Bzt bit is when Dave starts shaving, although i thoguht he was dead
“aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww shiiiiitttt!” What film is that at the end? though?
GAT says:
hey rocktzar its hello fuck btw this was amazing so was hello fuck :-)
Ben says:
the film referenced in the last clip is ‘Munich.’ i don’t know if anyone got that reference.
CJ says:
rockintom99 says:
I havent laughed this hard in a long freaking time. The exploding prank call was gold.
Jeremy says:
hey BEN! I got the reference!
Paul G says:
Shut up shut up. I am shutting up , I AM SHUTING UP. lol thats the best
Drew says:
The blood from Adam, and the fact that the guys laughed about it made it 100x funnier. That was the funniest part.
Ali says:
how did the warm water cause Adam to throw up blood? But Dave and Raizin laughing made it really funny. And i liked how when Dave had the shaving cream in his hand he put it on his face and started shaving. Hillarious
Pablo says:
Oh my. I’ve watched this like 4 times, but this was the first time I caught what Raizin said when they first went into Adam’s room.
“He’s got such a boner right now! I wanna sit on it.”
Classy. Very classy.
Phamazing sketch.
Will says:
YES!!! I love the Munich reference! That was great.
keith says:
lol he started shaving
Tom says:
Amazing sketch guys, wats the song used during the phone call prank?
Great sketch guys, wat was the song in the last prank
JoeyB says:
I think hes dreaming about fucking his grandfather.
David says:
i got the munich reference too! good good good great funny.
evergreen says:
I thought the Munich thing was obvious. Great skit!
jeffery says:
soo random, soo funny, totally unexpected shit
Jake says:
I think one of the funniest parts is when the camera just suddenly becomes night vision.
Also, wonderful reference to “Psycho” using the Hershey’s syrup as blood. Great sketch, almost feels like a parody of “Jackass”.
Nick says:
My favorite part was when he’s all ,”Awhh shitttttt!!”
I love you guys.
GlenGlingo9 says:
Why did Adam puke blood in this? that was just wrong
Dashi says:
loved the “munich” reference =]. keep at it guys.
adf says:
Yeah its from munich. GO PALESTINE FUCK ISRAEL :]
Matt says:
You guys have a great taste in music too. Tapes’n’Tapes are great. I’ve recognized so many other songs in other skits to.
That girl. says:
The coughing up blood sucked. The rest was great!
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TheBlunderbuss says:
Although the mouth bleed was weird and unexpected,
don’t do this ever again. Please.
The Sofa King says:
I loved this skit!
The only part that was off key was when both prank groups collaborated.
but otherwise, it was freakin’ hilarious
Adam [Not OE] says:
it seems like Adam is always the one who throws up… like in Adam’s Orange Stand.
Sharna says:
I’m such a Mischief Sister.
This was great btw.
Rocktzar says:
I realy like it. Bzt bit is when Dave starts shaving, although i thoguht he was dead
“aaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww shiiiiitttt!”
What film is that at the end? though?
GAT says:
hey rocktzar its hello fuck btw this was amazing so was hello fuck :-)
Ben says:
the film referenced in the last clip is ‘Munich.’ i don’t know if anyone got that reference.
CJ says:
rockintom99 says:
I havent laughed this hard in a long freaking time. The exploding prank call was gold.
Jeremy says:
hey BEN! I got the reference!
Paul G says:
Shut up shut up. I am shutting up , I AM SHUTING UP. lol thats the best
Drew says:
The blood from Adam, and the fact that the guys laughed about it made it 100x funnier. That was the funniest part.
Ali says:
how did the warm water cause Adam to throw up blood? But Dave and Raizin laughing made it really funny. And i liked how when Dave had the shaving cream in his hand he put it on his face and started shaving. Hillarious
Pablo says:
Oh my. I’ve watched this like 4 times, but this was the first time I caught what Raizin said when they first went into Adam’s room.
“He’s got such a boner right now! I wanna sit on it.”
Classy. Very classy.
Phamazing sketch.
Will says:
YES!!! I love the Munich reference! That was great.
keith says:
lol he started shaving
Tom says:
Amazing sketch guys, wats the song used during the phone call prank?
Tom says:
Great sketch guys, wat was the song in the last prank
JoeyB says:
I think hes dreaming about fucking his grandfather.
David says:
i got the munich reference too! good good good great funny.
evergreen says:
I thought the Munich thing was obvious. Great skit!
jeffery says:
soo random, soo funny, totally unexpected shit
Jake says:
I think one of the funniest parts is when the camera just suddenly becomes night vision.
Jake says:
Also, wonderful reference to “Psycho” using the Hershey’s syrup as blood. Great sketch, almost feels like a parody of “Jackass”.
Nick says:
My favorite part was when he’s all ,”Awhh shitttttt!!”
I love you guys.
GlenGlingo9 says:
Why did Adam puke blood in this? that was just wrong
Dashi says:
loved the “munich” reference =]. keep at it guys.
adf says:
Yeah its from munich. GO PALESTINE FUCK ISRAEL :]
Matt says:
You guys have a great taste in music too. Tapes’n’Tapes are great.
I’ve recognized so many other songs in other skits to.
That girl. says:
The coughing up blood sucked. The rest was great!