This is timeless. A classic. Every election season in the U.S. (and I’m certain in many other countries) there are people like this. Very funny characters and very funny portrayal of people I’ve actually seen in reality, not doing a sketch, acting similarly – excellent parody. And it makes a few good social and political points too, without taking a side. Excellent! Nicely done. I realize this was before the Kerry/Bush face-off and almost to election day back in 2004 and in 2008 there were people exactly like the characters portrayed in this sketch, o America, o politics, o people, o the world…. Thanks for this. Fine mockery in a gentle way and a gentle reminder of a few important things (maybe many important things). And of course, did I mention, very funny?
O and I must mention that the “Pace” rainbow flags are very popular in Italy and have been for the past 11 years or so, I have family in Italy and visit them every year and always there are “Pace” (Pace means peace in Italian and it is pronounced pah-chey) all over the place, in different parts of the country too. It initially had nothing whatsoever to do with gay pride or gay anything so the part about “you gay pride flag” was funny and as an Italian American who is almost as much Italian as I am American it was a treat for me to see the flag in this film, hahaha. Also, the i recognize that the kid who plays Mitchel is a girl because of other sketches/videos however if I hadn’t of seen them I wouldn’t have realized that as she does an excellent job of playing a boy (that is a big compliment, most people can’t pull it off so well).
O and I must mention that the “Pace” rainbow flags are very popular in Italy and have been for the past 11 years or so, I have family in Italy and visit them every year and always there are those same “Pace” (Pace means peace in Italian and it is pronounced pah-chey) flags all over the place, in different parts of the country too. It initially had nothing to do with gay pride so the part about “you gay pride flag” was funny and as an Italian American who is almost as much Italian as I am American the part about the flag was a treat for me (and its funny because he is wearing a tie-dye multi-color…rainbow-color….T-shirt haha. I love tie-die and the flags just saying its a cute/funny combination in the video context). Also, the i recognize that the kid who plays Mitchel is a girl because of other sketches/videos however if I hadn’t of seen them I wouldn’t have realized her as female as she does an excellent job of portraying a boy (that is a big compliment, most people can’t pull it off so well). O yes one more thing there are people in Italy during election seasons like this as well, it’s a little different but there is definitely universal appeal in this fantastic work by your group. Bravo, grazie!
Sender says:
I really really hope this is first
Sender says:
and i belive it is WOOOOOOOOO!
good sketch…btw
Suki says:
It’s good to see the old sketch. =D I totally remember when Hana looked like that.
Hipster Scum says:
I’m totally voting Libertarian.
Kaptainmumbler says:
Oh man, David’s so creepy in that one… and actually that’s kind of how I imagine Adam, some corporate rich guy in the country.
The Mona Lisa says:
I love how caleb’s door says “Pace” rather than “Peace”
Hipster Scum says:
Also, I love the way Dave says “oopsie”. I love it so, so much.
sheesh says:
“pace” means peace in Italian
Nikkr says:
hey is oopsie a part of a song by any chance?
Mr. Noodles says:
WOW Dave – I never knew you could do that – that was frickin scary.
Gretchen says:
Yay Libertarian Guy.
sergeant nate says:
er….was hana supposed to be a guy? its weird because MY BROTHER’S name is Mitchell.
Andy says:
Haha, Hana says “dude” alot. That was really good, a few awkward jokes and hanging moments, but easy to ignore.
Jackie says:
Dave was sooo creepy.
WTF??”Live inside a whale” lol that’s funny Hana.
Sarah says:
awsome! My sister has a pace flag! lol
Betty says:
Lmao. One of my favorites. Really.
christine says:
what is so special about the first post? if everyone sees it first shouldnt it say something better then I hope this is the first post?
sorry, really funny sketch. I just started watching olde english and I love them all. my favourite was definantly dead puppies.
kirk says:
hell ya! CAKE rocks!
Jessie says:
“Yeah, I’m definitely gonna vote librarian.” =awesome
mikael says:
You’re the navigator?
Well Hana is the drivigator!
Mar-z says:
MItchell had boobs? WTF
Youllforgetit says:
Drivagator. : D
Jubul says:
I love how Hana introduces Raizin in the beginning, and then never mentioned him again
Entbark says:
It would have been funny just the first part, but the ending with Dave made it awesome. I love this!
Free Spirit says:
This is timeless. A classic. Every election season in the U.S. (and I’m certain in many other countries) there are people like this. Very funny characters and very funny portrayal of people I’ve actually seen in reality, not doing a sketch, acting similarly – excellent parody. And it makes a few good social and political points too, without taking a side. Excellent! Nicely done. I realize this was before the Kerry/Bush face-off and almost to election day back in 2004 and in 2008 there were people exactly like the characters portrayed in this sketch, o America, o politics, o people, o the world…. Thanks for this. Fine mockery in a gentle way and a gentle reminder of a few important things (maybe many important things). And of course, did I mention, very funny?
Free Spirit says:
O and I must mention that the “Pace” rainbow flags are very popular in Italy and have been for the past 11 years or so, I have family in Italy and visit them every year and always there are “Pace” (Pace means peace in Italian and it is pronounced pah-chey) all over the place, in different parts of the country too. It initially had nothing whatsoever to do with gay pride or gay anything so the part about “you gay pride flag” was funny and as an Italian American who is almost as much Italian as I am American it was a treat for me to see the flag in this film, hahaha. Also, the i recognize that the kid who plays Mitchel is a girl because of other sketches/videos however if I hadn’t of seen them I wouldn’t have realized that as she does an excellent job of playing a boy (that is a big compliment, most people can’t pull it off so well).
Free Spirit says:
O and I must mention that the “Pace” rainbow flags are very popular in Italy and have been for the past 11 years or so, I have family in Italy and visit them every year and always there are those same “Pace” (Pace means peace in Italian and it is pronounced pah-chey) flags all over the place, in different parts of the country too. It initially had nothing to do with gay pride so the part about “you gay pride flag” was funny and as an Italian American who is almost as much Italian as I am American the part about the flag was a treat for me (and its funny because he is wearing a tie-dye multi-color…rainbow-color….T-shirt haha. I love tie-die and the flags just saying its a cute/funny combination in the video context). Also, the i recognize that the kid who plays Mitchel is a girl because of other sketches/videos however if I hadn’t of seen them I wouldn’t have realized her as female as she does an excellent job of portraying a boy (that is a big compliment, most people can’t pull it off so well). O yes one more thing there are people in Italy during election seasons like this as well, it’s a little different but there is definitely universal appeal in this fantastic work by your group. Bravo, grazie!